Tuesday, July 12, 2011

C'est la ve

Just a quick side note before you start reading, this post is mainly just gonna be a small vent to a certain someone. Some of it I feel is right but of course I do not claim to be right all the time and will vent the occasional "wrong" statement, at which case "I apologize" .

Really? REALLY? I know our friendship wasn't/isn't the best one out there, but REALLY? It could be the fact that every time you're around me you end up pissing me off, or visa versa. OR! It could be the fact that no matter what I try to do, you simply wont change. i really don't think you want to change. Do you care? I don't know. Do I care? The amount that I care for you is shrinking everyday. i really don't care if you go out with your friends and drink (which by the way is not only going to kill you someday but OH YEAH! Its freakin illegal!) or smoke (which again ... going to kill you) or have yourself a batch of your favorite "special brownies". I really could care less. Because really? The further away from you I am the happier!

Sure! You're a fantastic person to hang out with! Your fun, exciting, random, all around nice person to spend your day with. Once upon a time, you were considered a brother to me. Once upon a time I actually cared about your safety, how you felt, what you said. Once upon a time I paid attention to you. Looking back on it I don't exactly know why. You constantly used me, I tried so hard to not be your friend but that never worked, then you tried so hard to not be my friend but then that didn't work either. Then I found the solution to our freakin problem! I just wont care! YEP complete and total apathy!

Know this friend, When you decide to pull your head out of you're ass, you go ahead and call me back. I'll be here. I know I haven't helped out in the decline of our "fantastic brotherhood" but to completely disregard me as one at all? that was quite the unexpected blow, and to that I say, C'est la ve

Your brothe........oh wait.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Glass Half Full?

I really have no idea what I am about to write down. I do know that I had a feeling to come down and write in here before going to bed. Maybe it was my friend telling that I should write more often, maybe its something else. IDK, but I do know that I am here, right now, talking to whomever this may pass by.

So I'm sitting here wondering, "what should I write?! No seriously, there must be some reason as to why i am doing this!" So I start going through OTHER blogs, and find an answer. There are blogs of people, and their lives. records, in a way. Something to keep track of their lives. Something to look back on when they're older. Something for their lineage to look back on and get to have a peek into what their ancestors lives were like. Keeping in mind that the internet will be around for quite a while, BUT STILL!

This blog is a journal! Something I seem to have forgotten. Its not really a place for me to have a crowd of people wondering what I'm doing every second of the day. Its for me to sit down and make a record. Just sit down and write. Have you ever done that? Just grab some paper and just write the first things that pop into your head? Its fun! You should try it! here Ill let you try it! Ill give you a little break in the reading and when you're done you can scroll down :)

Ok! Feel better? That's the feeling I felt when I first started this. It was a place for me to write down my thoughts. Like for instance, Have you ever thought of the saying is the glass half full or half empty? and wonder why ANYONE would have a half filled glass in front of them and not wonder who's drink it is, and why its randomly now in front of us? Whenever someone asks me that question I say to them, "Its a glass with liquid in it, I'm probably thirsty and I am going to drink it." I suppose I could look at it in the way that everyone else does and break down my answer into something along the lines of. I really don't care if life sucks or is wonderful. Life will be both, some days are better than others and let me tell you friend, there will be bad days. Everyone has them. Just take life as it comes, half empty? half full? doesn't matter. making the most of every day you are blessed with is what i think life is really about.

Now, I don't know who is going to read this. Who it may benefit, IF it will benefit anyone. I do know that I listened to that voice telling me to write something down tonight. I really hope I get in the rhythm and start writing in this everyday. No longer do I want to change the world with my writing. I just want to write, record my life for others to read about.

Happy Freewriting


Monday, June 6, 2011

Life....in a nutshell

Two posts in one day! The world must be coming to an end!

Just a quick update for ya. Right now i am living in my own house in Lees Summit, MO. I have myself a roomate, and might I say he is pretty cool. I also live with my cat :) who can now make as much noise as he wants and I dont have to worry about anyone finding out. I got a new car, its a green KIA Soul! I loves it. Its name is Bulbasaur.

The house right now is a mess. we just got our appliances in not to long ago and i am finally getting into the settling in stage. I live three houses down from Mama, which is pretty nice for when I run out of food :)

There is a beautiful young lady who likes to call me "boyfriend" :P I love her dearly. many changes have happened within this last year or so. Friends have come and gone, new friends have appeared in my life, old friends are still dear to my heart. I still work at the same job. Though I don't work at McDonalds anymore. i am now the Home Accent Department Head for Hobby Lobby. Its not my favorite job in the world but who am I to complain. As of now I am trying to figure out life, what I want to do, where I want to go with it, all of that wonderful stuff. There have been many opportunities given to me lately. My love for music has grown so much. I've been offered to be in a professional singing group. Things are looking up, and I am so grateful for the blessings I have seen.

Hopefully more and more posts will come......lets rephrase that.......More and more posts will come, worry not friends. A freewriter I am and a freewriter i will continue to be.


So I need protecting, eh?

I think its funny how you think I care, what other people think. That you need to be my protector from the world around me. Know this, dear friend, the world is cruel, but you already knew that. I understand you don't want me to live a life you live. A life of hiding, constantly hiding behind the facade of a happy face and "normal" views. Yet what you can't seem to grasp is I live that life everyday. I know the feeling of backbiting, the feeling of someone noticing a flaw in your disguise. I know how to hide, I've done it my entire life. I know how to protect myself, I just want my friend back. The one who I felt I could tell anything to, the one who didn't mind seeing me all the time. Someone to talk to when I'm feeling down. Someone to talk to when I'm feeling happy.

I don't need you to be my protector friend, I need you to be my friend.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Long awkward silence is OVER!!

It's astounding when you have so much to write about, and yet none of it wants to cross your memory. I don't even remember when the last time I wrote in here was. I suppose I could just look down and see when my last post was composed, but that would be too much work and I just don't feel like going through that much effort at the present moment in time. There have been a lot of changes. I am now in my own apartment in Lees Summit, which is a blast. The first couple of days were weird because I've never lived alone before but now its always nice to come home to the nice and quiet solitude that is "silence". I still havent gotten wireless for my house yet....mainly because I'm lazy and don't feel like it but my excuse is that I don't have the time because I work 50-60 hours every week and can't seem to find the time! Sound like a good excuse, yea, I thought so.

On another note, something that has recently happened, that is pretty amazing might I say, is I have met my twin. This guy is pretty awesome (as he should be, being my twin). Let me explain! Have you ever met someone where you happen to say the same thing at the same time, or found something in common, or even lived a similar childhood? Those people are AWESOME! They become your friends mainly because you can find SOME commonality between you and this person. NOW! Have you ever met someone where you happen to say the same thing at the same time (ALL THE TIME), AND found basically everything in common, AND have even lived very similar childhoods? THAT person! That person is your twin. If you get the chance to meet your twin you will have a blast! Now I'm not gonna lie and say he's freakin' gorgeous like me......COUGH COUGH......I mean looks like me at all lol. (I'm not vain AT ALL) but who says you need to look alike to be twins? Well......a lot of people....BUT I SAY NAY!!!

Literally this post is probably going to be one of my shortests, well minus the first post because that was just ridiculous! I just have run out of things to say, or at least I can't think of anything to type right now. It could be because theres someone in the shower and the water is REALLY loud, and then adding in the CD player they have playing along with their singing its kind of distracting. But thats ok Ill think of something later.

OH! i was thinking about making another blog thing, where I write down my dreams, I think it sounds like a pretty fantastic Idea. i just want to gather a couple dreams up so im not going into the same......3 month long silence on my blog! *COUGH COUGH* oh, and I am also having trouble thinking of a name for the blog so if you could help me out on that, that would be fantastic!

Alright! Question time!

Have you ever met your twin? DETAILS DETAILS!

Well peoples, you have had the pleasure of reading yet another freewritten fable! now don't you feel special?


Monday, April 19, 2010

Feeding my obsession.

Hello, my name is Logan

*Hi Logan!*

and I'm addicted to Super Mario.

BAHAHA! I dunno if I would go that far but I do have quite the little collection of Mario stuff, and I don't plan on stopping. I found out that I have this....appreciation....for Super Mario Brothers when I was wearing one of my Mario shirts, I had my mushroom keycahin, and my phone went off.....the ringtone being "Super Mario Brothers Theme". One of my friends then turned to me and simply shook his head. Heres just a few of my stuff that I have with me right now. Theres a couple more but not much. We got:

Keep in mind thats not all. AND I still want more! Might I say that I just love it. I find myself having to continually tell myself to push myself out of stores that have Mario clothing or items. So yea I just thought I'd tell everyone about my favorite thing ever!

OH! speaking of favorite. IN mario my favorite character is Yoshi! He's just amazing! I think if I found one I would get a Yoshi costume, yea I know....AWESOME! lol OH! question for you guys! Who's your favorite character in Mario? Oddly enough Mario isn't one of my favorites. Luigi is my favorite after Yoshi and then Toad, you know that mushroom guy.

Alright guys thanks for reading about my obsession! ^_^ Now another question for you

What is your secret obsession?

Alright my peoples, you've had the pleasure of reading a freewriten fable! Now don't you feel special?


Thursday, April 15, 2010

That Sneaking Suspicion

You ever get that sneaking suspicion that your on fire? Don't you hate it when that happens. All of a sudden you re all, "GOSH ITS WARM IN HERE" and then it's, "OMG THAT'S WHY!" No worries readers I wasn't on fire at all, but there was one here. Alright, lets change the wording a little:

Alarm Clock: *Legend of Zelda Theme*

Logan: "BAAHHHHHHGUUUUHHPPFFFFFF" (that would be the sound of a Logan waking up) *I don't feel like waking up right now*

*Back to sleep*

-5 Minutes Later-



*Loud stomping of feet*

*Equally as loud crash of running water*

*More thuds crashed and bangs*



Ian: "Jen set the shower on fire so don't freak out when you go in there"

Lets just say first off, I love how us Goodales handle stressful situations. OMG! That reminds me of a wonderful story Mama told me once. So It's Mama and Dad at their house and Mama slips and falls in the tub (I vaguely remember her saying she was bleeding....ANYWAYS!) She falls and......ok wait lets try that whole dialogue thing YAY!


Mama: "Hunny! HUNNY!"


*Phone rings*

*Dad runs off*

Mama: *WTF!*

Dad(in the distance): "You take a cup of water, and a cup of rice...."


That's as far as the story goes, when she tells it to me. I'm sure she could get you a more detail version of yet another example of Goodale wonderfulness! ^_^

Meanwhile I had something else I was going to tell you guys but over all of the....OH YEA! So you know in the last post where I was all like "HOW AM I GOING TO SAVE MY BLOG?!?" *OVERLY DRAMATIC SIGH* Yea, remember that? Well you can forget about that. My sister said that in that cry for help I would be taking away from the Freewriting! And I was like *OMG your right* So I decided that I would not try to find something to write but just do as I said I would do, and that is "just type"

But now my mind is blank and there is nuthin else I can think to write, so you guys have a great day....night....whatever it is.


OMG I FORGOT A QUESTION! I mainly thought of that because I was typing my name and was all like I need a "Blogger name" and was like "What should it be?!" Then I was Like "OMG I FORGOT A QUESTION! I mainl......." lol

So here is my question to you:

What should my "Blogger Name" be?


Should I just keep my real one?

Alrighty then you've had the pleasure of reading yet another freewritten fable, now don't you feel special?
